Dr Krisztina Magyar DMD
My area of expertise: Aesthetic dentistry, ozone dentistry, smile design, tooth preservation treatments (e.g. root canals, metal-free restorations, implant restorations.
I mainly deal with the periodonto-endodontic field. As the biggest challenge, I like complex aesthetic rehabilitation cases, where, by gaining the patient's complete trust, I can accompany him or her through a physical and mental development where he or She becomes in complete harmony with mind and look, which then clearly radiates.
Dr. Kia completed her Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D) degree from the University of Szeged. Her passion is in esthetic dentistry. She is able to offer her patients a full gambit of services, including deep cleanings, bleaching, white fillings, Veneers, Crowns, bridges, root canals, extractions, and correction of gummy smiles.
She takes active interest in her patients, not only providing them with outstanding care, but also getting to know them on a personal level. Dr. kia believes strongly in “Patient-Centered Care” where a patients concerns and needs are considered first and foremost as she creates treatment plans.
Patients appreciate her ability to make them feel comfortable through her calming personality, pain free dental technique and through explanation of treatment options. She is an active member of the Hungarian Medical Chamber and a member of the European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Dr Béla Lantos
My goal is to save your teeth, using the most gentle method wich possible . A good dentist, i.e. a real dentist, also fights for the tooth that others have already given up on.
A healthy, beautiful smile can be preserved for a lifetime. I can help with that. For you and your loved ones.
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Dóra Kameniczky
Szeretek igényesen dolgozni, betegeimmel a kölcsönös bizalom kialakításán törekszem. Az általam végzett kezelések során maximálisan törekszem a fájdalommentes ellátásra, hogy a pácienseim elégedetten távozzanak.
Elsősorban prezíc, gondos, körültekintő munkámmal igyekszem szakmailag a legtökéletesebb ellátást nyújtani. Fontosnak tartok a szájápolást és szívesen válaszolok a felmerülő kérdésekre ezzel kapcsolatban.